build collection




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1·These environments facilitate and automate metrics collection and status reporting and automate build management and bookkeeping around configuration management.
2·When you build a data collection, what you've built is just an archive file that can be opened with most data compression utilities.
3·The Act provides for data collection and transparency so that in no corner of the financial markets can risk build unnoticed.
4·During her many travels, Isabella Gardner visited art galleries and consulted with art experts. She wanted to be fully educated about the art collection she was starting to build.
5·When we teach software engineering as a collection of generalities, students learn almost nothing about how to build real software.
6·For each finder method declared on the home interface (other than findByPrimaryKey), you must provide the business logic required to build the corresponding collection.
7·The Extreme Cluster Administration Toolkit (xCAT) is a collection of mostly script based tools to build, configure, administer, and maintain Linux clusters.
Extreme Cluster Administration Toolkit (xCAT) 是一个主要由脚本工具组成的集合,用于构建、配置、管理和维护 Linux 集群。
8·One can easily count the benefits of a collection of well-written automated build script over a manual process accompanied by a constantly out-of-date, "how-to" document created in Microsoft Word.
可以很容易的得出包括由Microsoft Word所创建的过期文档,“指南”文档在内的良好自动化构建脚本收集的好处。
9·Web services is a collection of technologies, including XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI, which let you build programming solutions for specific messaging and application integration problems.
Web 服务是包括 XML,SOAP,WSDL 和 UDDI 在内的技术的集合,它使您能够针对特定的消息传递和应用程序集成问题构建编程解决方案。
10·Brain Metrix - brain Metrix is designed to build brain fitness. The site can increase your memory reflex and concentration through a collection of activities.
Brain metrix—brain Metrix是一个为建立大脑健康而设计的网站,在这里你可以提高你的记忆力、惯常思维同时通过收集你的行动使你变的专注。
更新时间:2025-03-29 04:43